I broke my metasploit when I did a `apt-get install metasploit` to upgrade it.
It's not 4.5.0bt but msfconsole don't work anymore and so is msfupdate. Royally screwed if you ask me.
But there's a few ways to fix it:
1. http://fl3x.us/blog/2013/01/11/solving-msfconsole-msfupdate-issue-after-update-metasploit-to-4-5-0/
2. apt-get purge metasploit
then apt-get install metasploit
-> Basically a reinstallation if 1) doesn't work for you.
I needed to do 2).
Now I'm still trying to fix msfupdate. Msfconsole restored but msfupdate's still broken. Argh.